Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Gravity Falls

Gravity Falls

Gravity Falls is a small TV series that is about two young twins named Mabel and Dipper Pines who are going to this small quaint town of Gravity Falls. They are living with their Great Uncle Stanford Pines, but they call him "Gruncle Stan" for short. Dipper Pines is a closed off boy, very intelligent for his age and he loves mysteries and is very superstitious, his sister Mabel on the other hand is the exact opposite, in every episode she wears one different sweater, not one being the same in any episode. She is very energetic, out going and just very kindhearted girl. Along the way they meet amazing characters like Soos Ramirez,Wendy Corduroy,Candy Chiu and her best friend Grenda (no last name).     

The Twins with their uncle
"When life gives you lemons, call them 'yellow oranges' and sell them for double the price."
When life gives you lemons, extract the juice and use it to draw a treasure map in invisible ink. That really works! Seriously"
"When life gives you lemons, draw faces on those lemons and wrap them in a blanket. Ta-daaa! Now you have lemon babies"
Soos and Wendy
"This is literally too dumb for me to care about!"
"Time for a repair-guy to become a repairman!"
Candy and Grenda
Candy-"We are criminals! We will cut you."
"I wanna put her in a head lock and make her feel pain!"

The Story

Dipper was setting signs up for his Uncle to advertise his shop called "The Mystery Shack". While walking Dipper nailed a sign to a tree, but this tree made a strange sound. It sounded like metal instead of wood. Found a lever that was painted like a branch. He pulled it down reveling the tree had a secret hatch. The hatched opened and inside was a book. On the book it had a symbol of a hand with three fingers and the number three on it. Inside the book it talked about all the mysterious happenings in gravity falls. The book did not say who the author was witch made Dipper curious but also very paranoid. Along his journey to find the author and uncover more secrets of gravity falls, he and his sister Mabel as long as their friends Candy, Grenda, Wendy and Soos. Along the way he made a few enemies like Gideon Gleeful, Pacifica Northwest and The most dangerous one of them all. A triangle with one eye and a top hat named Bill Cipher, and he could bring the end of the world as we know it. 

Dipper Finding the journal


"The entire Pines family have invoked my fury! You will all pay recompense for your transgressions!"

Pacifica Northwest"Our family name is broken, and I'm gonna fix it!"

Bill Cipher"Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!"

Dippers Journal 

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